By: 20 July 2023
21 November 2023, Student midwives conference; Doncaster

Working together and learning together

This exciting conference is aimed at student midwives throughout the UK and has been designed with the Student Midwife Forum (SMF). There will be a combination of plenary and parallel sessions with opportunities to network with your peers. In addition, the SMF would like to invite you to submit abstracts for a poster presentation or elevator pitch which will be published in the conference supplement. The conference will have both invited speakers and panel discussions for delegates.

The objectives of the conference are:

  • To provide student midwives an opportunity to highlight their work and experiences.
  • Provide an opportunity to build professional networks,
  • Enable those attending to hear from key people in maternity and learn from their experiences.

There will be a free mini bus between Doncaster train station and the venue 08.00- 10.00 and from 16.45 – 18.00 for those travelling by train. If you are driving there is free parking onsite.


The RCM encourages submissions that support the overall theme of working together, learning together. The areas for submission are: 

  • Collaborative working
  • Finding you voice as a student midwife
  • Overcoming adversity, the student experience
  • Supporting the mental health of student midwives and the women and families we care for.

Deadline for submission Midday 13 August 2023 

Submit you abstract 

Abstract guidance

Why should I submit an abstract? 

  • To disseminate and profile your work 
  • To inform your peers about positive collaboration  
  • To get support feedback/critique from your peers 
  • To network with others who are interested in the same topic area 

We invite you to submit an abstract of no more than 500 words (in English) for consideration as  

  • pre-recorded 5 minutes ‘elevator pitch’ 
  • poster  

All abstracts will be reviewed by our judging panel of RCM Fellows, who will be looking to accept submissions that display high levels of innovation, relevance to current and/or best practice and provide high-quality research/evidence or practice. We are asking those who submit abstracts to identify any other protected characteristic, so that we can include this as one element of the judging criteria, to ensure that we hear from speakers from a range of backgrounds and experiences at the conference.  Successful submissions will be notified by 15 September 2023. 

Send any queries to  

There are a number of sponsorship opportunities available. For further information or to book a package please email