By: 1 February 2007

Dargent Instruments

DARGENT Vaginal Retractors are renowned for quality by the extent of their range, design and manufacturing. Created by Dr Daniel Dargent of Lyon these fine instruments have found acceptance with many British Gynaecologists particularly those who perform plenty of Vaginal Surgery. The design keeps the handles well clear of the Operating Surgeon to maximise their field of view and access.


  • 12 Lateral Vaginal Wall blade sizes for different stages of the procedure and anatomical variations
  • Two Anterior/Posterior Vaginal Wall Retractors
  • Bayonet handle to keep the operating field clear of instrumentation
  • Ergonomically contoured handles to allow the holder a comfortable grip throughout the procedure which ever way they hold the Retractor
  • Hollow handle to reduce weight and enhance balance

A catalogue and price list are available on request.