By: 1 February 2007

Huntleigh Healthcare FetalCare

Following the acquisition of the Sonicaid business, Huntleigh Healthcare has re-released FetalCare, the unique fetal heart rate analysis software based on the world renowned Dawes/Redman criteria.

While there are a few software systems on the market which provide some level of interpretation of fetal heart rate traces, these are usually limited to classifying certain aspects of the trace, such as baseline rate, number of accelerations, etc. FetalCare is unique in that it is not based just on a simple mathematical model, but is derived from the world’s largest database of traces linked outcomes. To appreciate the full benefit of this, imagine a typical obstetric clinician, who in 10 years practice might have seen 10,000 traces. How many can they remember, and of these, how many can they remember the outcomes for? FetalCare is like an assistant with over 70 years equivalent experience, who never forgets any trace & remembers the outcomes! This provides the most robust, objective assessment. The result of over 30 years research at the world-leading Oxford University, FetalCare is clinically proven with over 70 peer reviewed papers and has huge potential in reducing morbidity & mortality. With growing litigation costs, just one poor outcome avoided through the use of FetalCare could save millions of pounds.