By: 1 December 2007

Actim™ PROM Detection Of Premature Rupture Of Membrane

Actim™ PROM is a fast, one- step, easy to use immunochromotographic diagnostic test for the detection of premature rupture of the amniotic membrane (PROM).

Actim™ PROM detects the protein IGFBP-1 (Insulin-like growth factor protein-1). During pregnancy levels of IGFBP-1 are elevated and become concentrated in the amniotic sac, approximately 100-1000 times greater than other body fluids. Therefore the presence of the protein within the vaginal or cervical fluid is a strong indication of PROM.

The sensitivity and specificity of Actim™ PROM ensures reliable results and even detects micro-ruptures due to low detection limits. There is no risk of interference from blood or a range of other bodily fluids when conducting the test.

An easy to read result is guaranteed within 5 minutes of removing the dipstick from the extraction fluid. With an overall short sampling, extraction and reading time the detection of PROM can be identified rapidly and simply using Actim PROM™.