By: 18 September 2013
Inditherm launch LifeStart resuscitation unit

Inditherm Medical have introduced a novel resuscitation unit, LifeStart. The product is designed to facilitate delayed cord clamping (DCC) by providing resuscitation at the bedside.

The LifeStart unit has been designed with guidance from a multi-centre team of obstetricians and paediatricians who have been conducting research on delayed cord clamping for some time. It has an electrically operated height adjustment system and a very compact wheelbase to allow positioning suitable for all types of delivery (e.g. natural, assisted, caesarean section).

A fully customised CosyTherm neonatal warming mattress can be fitted to ensure that the baby does not lose heat in the critical first minutes of life. Standard medical rails are provided so that the user’s choice of suction, resuscitation and air/oxygen blender can be easily integrated, giving comprehensive functionality whilst retaining the small footprint needed.

Inditherm have sourced these additional items so that a complete package can be delivered if requested. For more information, please contact us: