By: 17 March 2014
Pelvic organ prolapse: current understanding, assessment and management

Kosturika Ash and Alok Ash review the current literature regarding prolapse, including assessment techniques and means of treatment.



Genito-urinary prolapse or pelvic organ prolapse (POP) is a common gynaecological problem, the presentation of which varies in type and severity among patients.


Epidemiology of POP

It is difficult to know the exact prevalence of pelvic organ prolapse since many patients do not report it and symptom-based diagnosis underestimates the true prevalence of the condition.

In developed countries, the prevalence is high among postmenopausal women,1-3 whereas in developing countries, the condition is also common in women of reproductive age.4,5 The global prevalence of POP is reported to be 2-20 percent in women under the age of 45 years…6


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