By: 16 July 2015
26 Nov 2016 – Third and fourth degree perineal tears & episiotomy: hands-on workshop

Third and fourth degree perineal tears & episiotomy: hands-on workshop

Mr Abdul H Sultan, MD FRCOG

  • Consultant Obstetrician & Gynaecologist, Croydon University Hospital, Croydon, Surrey.
  • Honorary Reader, St. George’s University of London.

Miss Ranee Thakar, MD MRCOG

  • Consultant Obstetrician & Urogynaecology Subspecialist, Croydon University Hospital, Croydon, Surrey
  • Honorary Senior Lecturer, St. George’s University of London.

Obstetric anal sphincter disruption is a major cause of anal incontinence. There is compelling evidence that clinicians are inadequately trained to recognise and repair the anal injuries. This course is essential for all doctors practising obstetrics and repairing perineal tears but will also be useful to midwives, Labour Ward Managers and Colorectal Surgeons

For a recommended hotel within the Croydon area, there is The Croydon Park Hotel:


For basic accommodation the Ibis (Croydon) 020 8689 8989 is located directly opposite Croydon University Hospital:


Date: 26 September 2015

Location: Croydon, UK

Venue: Postgraduate Medical Centre (PGMC), Yellow Zone

Costs: £280–310 depending on status of attendee

Contact: Michelle Lawrence

T: 0208 401 3000

