Welcome from event organiser midwife Marie Louise:
This Modern Midwife Meet-up event is about all of us on the front line, changing families’ lives. We have such an important role in society and I truly believe in the coming years us midwives will continue to grow and develop our role.
It’s recently being re-recognised that midwifery led care leads to better outcomes, less intervention and more positive memories of birth, but, I appreciate this recognition still receives some barriers and we are going to talk a bit more about some of those barriers at our meet up.
We are all one big force and team of midwives that share the same goal and I know we offer an amazing service in the U.K. but there is always room for improvement and discussion around our models of care.
We all have different experiences, stories and ideas about our practice, but Modern Midwifery is all about thinking outside the box and these are the discussions that can and do lead to policy changes – we have so much to learn from each other.
Midwives attending have travelled from all over the country to meet likeminded people and explore healthcare dilemma’s, while having a bit of fun! There’s a live musican, photo booth, wine, nibbles and raffle and speeches from some expert midwives.