By: 23 December 2021
Home phototherapy for neonatal jaundice

Promotional feature

Central Medical Supplies Ltd (CMS) is the sole UK distributor for NeoMedLight’s innovative BiliCocoon® phototherapy system, which has recently been used in an evaluation of home phototherapy for neonatal jaundice.

Home phototherapy for neonatal jaundice in the UK: a single-centre retrospective service evaluation and parental survey1 concluded that home phototherapy (HPT) for neonatal jaundice can be administered in a select group of infants and is viewed very positively by families. HPT enables mothers and their infants to remain at home receiving family support and can reduce occupancy of acute beds.

For the study, carried out in the catchment area of the Birmingham Heartlands Hospital Neonatal Community Outreach Nursing Team, HPT was delivered using the BiliCocoon® Bag system. The evaluation included 100 infants in the HPT group and 50 infants as controls. HPT was initiated in the community in 52 infants, while 48 infants received it as a continuation of inpatient phototherapy (IPT). The rate of bilirubin fall was similar in both HPT and IPT groups, while no infant showed a progressive rise in SBR level in the HPT group.

Feedback received from the 100 families participating in the evaluation was overwhelmingly positive, with 98 per cent stating they would choose HPT rather than IPT. HPT can help prevent prolonged hospitalisation and re-admission. It can promote mother-infant bonding and lead to increased parental satisfaction.2

The BiliCocoon® system enables phototherapy to be carried out at home, which is less stressful than going into hospital for everyone involved. Parents can also have close physical contact so they can comfort their child. The BiliCocoon® system features a lightweight, portable light box connected to LED light pads that wrap around the infant, allowing parents to hold the baby and feed during treatment. This also increases the amount of light absorbed by the newborn and reduces the need for several phototherapy lamps.

For more information on the BiliCocoon® phototherapy system, contact Tracey Pavier-Grant, Medical Sales Director at Central Medical Supplies, on 01538 392 596, email or visit