By: 4 July 2022
15-16 September 2022, Basic practical skills in obstetrics and gynaecology; Hull

The RCOG Basic Practical Skills course (BPS) is designed to introduce trainees to safe surgical techniques and obstetric clinical skills, in a structured workshop environment.

The course is standardised to ensure common objectives, content structure and assessment methods are followed and can be linked to the RCOG Training Portfolio and OSATS.

The two-day course format enables trainees to focus on hands-on skills by introducing pre-course eLearning materials, including videos and assessments.  Please access these materials beforehand to ensure that you get the most value out of the training days.

The course is intended for trainees ST1-2 and is a mandatory requirement for entry into ST3, hence all the relevant basic skills for ST3 are covered.

The course is taught by a dedicated faculty of UK based consultants who give their time voluntarily to teach on the course.


Hull Institute of Learning and Simulation, Fountain Street, Hull HU3 2JZ


For more information and to book your place, visit: