Effective Measurement of anatomical restoration
3D-mapping of anatomically restored vertebra 3D-mapping means using CT scans and leading edge software (LBM Ensam, France) to evaluate anatomical restoration in an extremely clear, accurate way which is reproducible and easy to work with.
3D-reconstructions are obtained preoperatively and postoperatively for the same vertebra. The two images are superimposed using the fact that the posterior arch is not affected by the VCF. The two 3D-reconstructions are compared by calculating the distance between each of the point of the two reconstructed surfaces of the vertebra (pre- and postoperative). This distance indicates the amount of restoration of each depressed area in mm.
- Each point of the surface of the vertebral body is considered
- Color coding is used to accurately show the calculated distance
- Different color codes show the amount of restoration carried out for each depressed area
- The dark red and blue show the area where the distance between the two faces is greatest.