By: 25 May 2012

Jive 6504 for routine Urodynamics

Dantec Medical have launched two flagship Urodynamics devices:

  • Jive for routine Urodynamics
  • Quickstep – includes full Video Urodynamics.

Both systems offer Uroflowmetry, full Cystometry studies and Urethral Pressure Profiles. Rectal Manometry packages are available with a range of transducer types.

Dantec Medical offer a range of maintenance contracts from our UK-based Engineers.

Dantec Medical are the exclusive UK supplier of Endosheath® for flexible cystoscopy in fibre and video cystoscopes.

This rapidly expanding practice is becoming main-stream in both UK Teaching Hospitals and Community outlets.

Contact Dantec Medical to discuss the packages available for your Cystoscopy service to evolve and meet your Patients demands. Look no further for safe, sterile and effective cystoscopy.