The NMC received the best ever review from the Professional Standards Authority (PSA) for 2015/16 meeting all but one of the Standards for Good Regulation.
The Professional Standards Authority for health and social care performance review is carried out annually and examines whether regulators are meeting the Standards of Good Regulation. It aims to help regulators improve their performance by identifying strengths and weaknesses.
The PSA review praises the NMC’s preparation for the introduction of revalidation, particularly the way key stakeholders were engaged and their views taken on board.
The reports states “we received positive feedback from third party organisations in relation to the quality of the NMC’s stakeholder engagement and communication regarding revalidation. It is apparent that respondents felt that the views of their organisations had been heard and that the NMC had made changes in response to them.”
Jackie Smith, NMC Chief Executive and Registrar said:
“This is our most successful PSA review to date. It is pleasing to see that the report recognises all that has been achieved this year, including the introduction of Revalidation, which has proved very successful.
“Significant improvements have been made to our fitness to practise function this year with further improvements planned over the coming year.
“I recognise there is still more work to be done in order to meet all of the Standards in the future. We are committed to a programme of work to improve the timeliness of the FtP process through changes to our existing legislation, meaning that we will be able to conclude cases earlier in the process.”
For 2015/16 we are pleased that the PSA has concluded that we:
- Met all of the Standards of Good Regulation for Guidance and Standards
- Met all of the Standards of Good Regulation for Education and Training
- Met all of the Standards of Good Regulation for Registration
- Met nine out of the ten Standards of Good Regulation for Fitness to Practise
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