Hegenberger Medical is to be the recipient of an inaugural Medtop:Tech Award in the category of Most Ergonomic Device in Europe and the UK, for the Hegenberger Retractor.
Invented by midwife, Malene Hegenberger, the Hegenberger Retractor is currently being introduced into 25 countries around the world as an aid for midwives and doctors to have better visibility and access when it comes to grading and repairing tears and other perineum trauma sustained by mums during childbirth.
The Hegenberger Retractor was selected for the award from over 40 entries in the Medtop: Tech sector, due to the clear advantage it brings to both patients and midwives in a clinical setting.
Speaking about the award, inventor, Malene Hegenberger said: “We are delighted that the Retractor has been recognized for its ergonomic qualities. As well as improving the experience for mums undergoing postpartum suturing, this award highlights the clear benefits for the clinician. Due to the location and position of these injuries, clinicians are significantly challenged to balance the comfort of the patient with their own ergonomics/working positions when it comes to carrying out the grading and suturing procedure.
By allowing easier access both in terms of visibility and access, clinicians are more comfortable and able to give more considered time and attention to the task, with far less strain and stretching than is usually involved. By taking care of the clinician’s wellbeing, mums will naturally benefit from an optimised procedure.
Ms Hegenberger continued: “It is also important to note that in Scandinavia, where the Retractor is now widely used, it is noticeable that clinicians say they have less complaints about back and wrist strain due to using the device. This will naturally have a positive impact on both staff and the relevant health services due to a reduction in incidents of time off due to work injury.
Ms Hegenberger added: “We pay a lot of attention to staff wellbeing when it comes to the ergonomics of desks, chairs, and computer positioning; it’s a huge bonus that we are also able to afford this benefit to those working in the clinical setting.
We are therefore grateful to the team at Medtop for recognizing and rewarding this important and very clear benefit for our midwives and obstetric clinicians.”
Hegenberger Medical offers training courses for clinicians and midwives who wish to learn the techniques of using the Hegenberger Retractor as well as upskill their suturing techniques. For more information, please visit www.hegenbergermedical.com/training.